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20147月毕业于威廉希尔williamhill工业生物催化专业,获工学博士学位;20163月至20183月获外方出资赴澳大利亚南澳大学自然建筑与环境学院做访问学者。主要从事生物电化学及废弃物资源化利用相关的环境微生物学方面的应用基础研究。目前主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发子课题、江苏省自然科学基金等多项课题,作为学术骨干参与了国家 “973”计划、国家科技支撑计划、国家重点研发、南澳政府首相科研与创新工业项目、中欧地平线H2020项目等多项国内外课题的研究工作。目前已在Water ResJ Hazard MaterBioresour TechnolJ Clean Prod等权威国际学术刊物发表英文SCI论文40余篇,申请中国发明专利10项,已授权6项。2021年入选江苏省“双创计划”科技副总人才项目,并担任江苏省高企认定专家,作为环保专家参与了江苏省化工产业安全环保整治提升攻坚行动。2022年受邀担任SCI期刊《Fermentation》(JCR二区,IF=5.123)编委。





1. Mengjie Fan, Xinglei Zhuang, Zhen Gao, Zuopeng Lv, Weiliang Dong, Fengxue Xin, Yingwen Chen, Honghua Jia, Xiayuan Wu(*). Electroactive microorganisms synthesizing iron sulfide nanoparticles for enhanced hexavalent chromium removal in microbial fuel cells. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 889: 164311.SCI一区,IF: 10.753

2. Xiayuan Wu, Xinglei Zhuang, Zuopeng Lv, Fengxue Xin, Weiliang Dong, Yan Li, Honghua Jia(*). Quorum sensing signals from sludge improving self-assembly of electrode biofilms in microbial fuel cells for chloramphenicol degradation. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2022, 8(11), 2531-2544.(封面论文, SCI一区,IF: 5.819

3. Xiayuan Wu, Lina Zhang, Zuopeng Lv, Fengxue Xin, Weiliang Dong, Guannan Liu, Yan Li, Honghua Jia(*). N-acyl-homoserine lactones in extracellular polymeric substances from sludge for enhanced chloramphenicol-degrading anode biofilm formation in microbial fuel cells. Environmental Research, 2022, 207: 112649.SCI一区,IF: 6.498

4. Xiayuan Wu, Zixuan Chen, Zuopeng Lv, Lina Zhang, Fengxue Xin, Yan Li, Guannan Liu, Weiliang Dong, Ping Wei, Honghua Jia(*). Enhanced chloramphenicol-degrading biofilm formation in microbial fuel cells through a novel synchronous acclimation strategy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 317: 128376.SCI一区,IF: 11.072

5. Yan Cui, Xueru Chen, Zhengyong Pan, Yuqi Wang, Qiang Xu, Jiaying Bai, Honghua Jia, Jun Zhou, Xiaoyu Yong, Xiayuan Wu(*). Biosynthesized iron sulfide nanoparticles by mixed consortia for enhanced extracellular electron transfer in a microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 318: 124095.SCI一区,IF: 11.889

6. Xiayuan Wu, Zhenzhen Tian, Zuopeng Lv, Zixuan Chen, Yongdi Liu, Xiaoyu Yong, Jun Zhou(*), Xinxin Xie, Honghua Jia, Ping Wei. Effects of copper salts on performance, antibiotic resistance genes, and microbial community during thermophilic anaerobic digestion of swine manure. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 300: 122728.SCI一区,IF: 11.889

7. Zuopeng Lv, Junyu Wang, Zixuan Chen, Xueru Chen, Lina Zhang, Zhongbing Chen, Jianfeng Zhang, Xiayuan Wu(*), Honghua Jia. Temperature regulations impose positive influence on the biomethane potential versus digesting modes treating agricultural residues. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 301: 122747.SCI一区,IF: 11.889

8. Xiayuan Wu, Xiaomin Xiong, Gary Owens, Gianluca Brunetti, Jun Zhou, Xiaoyu Yong, Xinxin Xie, Lijuan Zhang, Ping Wei, Honghua Jia(*). Anode modification by biogenic gold nanoparticles for the improved performance of microbial fuel cells and microbial community shift. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 270: 11-19.SCI一区,IF: 11.889

9. Xiayuan Wu, Fei Tong, Xiaoyu Yong, Jun Zhou, Lixiong Zhang, Honghua Jia(*), Ping Wei. Effect of NaX zeolite-modified graphite felts on hexavalent chromium removal in biocathode microbial fuel cells. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 308: 303-311.SCI一区,IF: 14.224

10. Xiayuan Wu(#), Xujun Zhu(#), Tianshun Song, Lixiong Zhang, Honghua Jia(*), Ping Wei. Effect of acclimatization on hexavalent chromium reduction in a biocathode microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 180: 185-191.SCI一区,IF: 11.889

11. Qianqian Wang(#), Xiayuan Wu(#), Yangyang Yu, Dezhen Sun, Honghua Jia(*), Yangchun Yong(*). Facile in-situ fabrication of graphene/riboflavin electrode for microbial fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 232: 439-444.(共同一作,SCI一区,IF: 6.901

12. Jieren Liao(#), Xiayuan Wu(#), Zhiqiang Xing, Qinghui Li, Yu Duan, Wanping Fang, Xujun Zhu(*). γAminobutyric acid (GABA) accumulation in tea (Camellia sinensis L.) through the GABA shunt and polyamine degradation pathways under anoxia. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65: 3013-3018.(共同一作,SCI一区,IF: 5.279

13. Xiayuan Wu, Xiaoqian Ren, Gary Owens, Gianluca Brunetti, Jun Zhou, Xiaoyu Yong, Ping Wei, Honghua Jia(*). A facultative electroactive bacterium aerobically isolated from a hexavalent chromium-reducing biocathode microbial fuel cell. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9: 2883.SCI二区)

14. Xiayuan Wu, Fei Tong, Tianshun Song, Xiongying Gao, Jingjing Xie, Charles C. Zhou, Lixiong Zhang(*), Ping Wei(*). Effect of zeolite-coated anode on the performance of microbial fuel cells. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2015, 90(1): 87-92.SCI二区)

15. Shen Wang, Xinglei Zhuang, Weiliang Dong, Fengxue Xin, Honghua Jia, Xiayuan Wu(*). Advances in the application of quorum sensing to regulate electrode biofilms in bioelectrochemical systems. Fermentation, 2023, 9: 625.SCI二区,IF: 5.123

16. Xinglei Zhuang, Shien Tang, Weiliang Dong, Fengxue Xin, Honghua Jia, Xiayuan Wu(*). Improved performance of Cr(Ⅵ)-reducing microbial fuel cells by nano-FeS hybridized biocathodes. RSC Advances, 2023, 13: 6768.SCI二区,IF: 4.036

17. Xiayuan Wu, Zuopeng Lv, Xiaowei Zhou, Zixuan Chen, Honghua Jia, Jun Zhou, Xiaoyu Yong, Ping Wei, Yan Li(*). Positive effects of concomitant heavy metals and their reduzates on hexavalent chromium removal in microbial fuel cells. RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 15107.SCI三区)

18. Xiayuan Wu, Xiaomin Xiong, Gianluca Brunetti, Xiaoyu Yong, Jun Zhou, Lijuan Zhang, Ping Wei, Honghua Jia(*). Effect of MWCNTs-modified graphite felts on hexavalent chromium removal in biocathode microbial fuel cells. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 53932-53940.SCI三区)

19. Xiayuan Wu, Tianshun Song, Xujun Zhu, Ping Wei(*), Charles C. Zhou(*). Construction and operation of microbial fuel cell with Chlorella biocathode for electricity generation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2013, 171(8): 2082-2092.SCI三区)


1. 用于抗生素废水处理的电活性生物膜的富集方法,中国发明专利,2022,专利号:ZL202010241758.X

2. 原位合成的纳米硫铁杂合生物膜电极及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,2022,专利号:ZL202010624960.0

3. 一种利用其它重金属废水强化含铬废水处理的方法,中国发明专利,2019,专利号:ZL201610541029.X

4. 一种微生物电化学装置及利用秸秆产电的方法,中国发明专利,2015,专利号:ZL201310101610.6

5. 小球藻微生物燃料电池反应器,中国发明专利,2013,专利号:ZL201110413886.9

6. 用于小球藻培养的微生物燃料电池反应器,中国发明专利,2013,专利号:ZL201110374823.7


1. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2021YFA0910400,糖底物完全氧化途径组装与强化,2021/12-2026/11,在研,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,21808108,自组装微生物/纳米硫铁3D网络协同电催化降解抗生素的机制研究,2019/1-2021/12,已结题,主持。



2022年担任FermentationJCR二区,IF=5.123)编委,并同时担任J Hazard MaterJ Clean ProdEnergySci Total Environ等多个本领域主流期刊的审稿人


