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主要从事:(i)基于功能纳米材料与微生物结合实现环境污染物降解及农林废弃物资源化利用;(ii)食品保鲜储藏材料制备与应用。目前已在环境、食品领域顶级期刊Water ResearchJournal of Hazardous MaterialsCritical Reviews in BiotechnologyTrends in Food Science & TechnologyJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,以及ChemosphereJournal of ProteomicsACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering等国际主流期刊上,以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇,EI论文2篇,申请国家专利10余项,授权6项。





1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,21506096,基于亚细胞蛋白质组学技术的高山被孢霉老化中脂滴的调控机制研究,2016.01-2018.1224万,已结题,主持

2. 国家863项目子课题,2013AA020302,柠檬酸清洁生产的工艺优化,2015.01-2017.12209.28万,已结题,主持

3. 江苏省科协首席专家项目,土壤重金属污染微生物修复治理,2017.01-2017.122万,已结题,主持

4. 农业部农产品加工重点实验室开放课题项目,2015011,高灵敏α-酮戊二酸检测生物传感器的构建与应用,2015.10-2016.1210万,已结题,主持

5. 江苏先进生物制造协同创新中心项目,XTE1848,高山被孢霉老化中氮源调控机理研究与应用,2018.01-2020.1220万,在研,主持

6. 江苏省环保科研项目,2016053,植物与高抗逆酵母联合修复重金属污染场地的技术研发与应用,2016.10-2018.10135万,参加

7. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2017YFC1600604,粮油食品储藏运输流通环节危害物综合防控技术研究,2018.01-2021.12735万,在研,参加

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21776131,微生物合成植物源神经酸的代谢途径组装与调控研究,2018/01-2021/1264万元,在研,参加

9. 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室开放课题,HC202147,低分子量有机酸调控光催化材料-微生物紧密耦合降解PAHs的机制研究,2021.01-2022.125万,在研,主持


1. Wenlu Zuo, Yadong Yu*, He Huang*. Making Waves: Microbe-photocatalyst hybrids may provide new opportunities for treating heavy metal polluted wastewater. Water Research, 2021, 195: 116984 IF9.131TOP

2. Yadong Yu*, Jie Zheng, Jingchen Li, Lingxia Lu, Jinyuan Yan, Lihui Zhang, Longfeng Wang*. Applications of two-dimensional materials in food packaging. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2021, 110: 443-457. IF11.0771TOP

3. Lei Zhang, Xiujuan Li, Wenlu Zuo, Shuang Li, Gangzheng Sun, Weidong Wang,Yadong Yu*, He Huang*.Root exuded low-molecular-weight organic acids affected the phenanthrene degrader differently: a multi-omics study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 414: 125367. IF9.0381TOP

4. Wenlu Zuo#, Lei Zhang#, Zhidong Zhang, Susu Tang, Yongjun Sun, He Huang, Yadong Yu*. Degradation of Organic Pollutants by Intimately Coupling Photocatalytic Materials with Microbes: A Review. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2021, 41(2): 273-299. IF8.1082TOP

5. Jie Zheng, Jingchen Li, Lihui Zhang, Xiaojun Chen, Yadong Yu*, He Huang. Post-graphene 2D materials-based antimicrobial agents: focus on fabrication strategies and biosafety assessments. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55:7226–7246. IF3.553

6. Jingchen Li, Jie Zheng, Yadong Yu*, Zhen Su, Lihui Zhang, Xiaojun Chen*.Facile synthesis of rGO-MoS2-Ag nanocomposites with long-term antimicrobial activities. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31 (12):125101. IF3.551

7. Yadong Yu#, Lei Zhang#, Tao Li, Na Wu, Ling Jiang, Xiaojun Ji*, He Huang*, How Nitrogen Sources Influence Mortierella alpina Aging: from the Lipid Droplet Proteome to the Whole-cell Proteome and Metabolome, Journal of Proteomics, 2018, 179:140-149. IF3.509

8. Qi Yang, Lei Zhang, Ailing Ben, Na Wu, Yanliang Yi, Ling Jiang, He Huang*, Yadong Yu*, Effects of dispersible MoS2 nanosheets and Nano-silver coexistence on the metabolome of yeast, Chemosphere, 2018, 198:216–225. IF5.7782区)

9. Yadong Yu#, Na Wu#, Yanliang Yi, Yangying Li, Lei Zhang, Qi Yang, Wenjun Miao, Xuefang Ding, Ling Jiang*, and He Huang*, Dispersible MoS2 Nanosheets Activated TGF-β/Smad Pathway and Perturbed the Metabolome of Human Dermal Fibroblasts, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2017, 3 (12):3261–3272. IF4.1522区)

10. Yadong Yu#, Tao Li#, Na Wu, Lujing Ren, Ling Jiang*, Xiaojun Ji*, He Huang*. Mechanism of Arachidonic Acid Accumulation during Aging in Mortierella alpina: A Large-Scale Label-Free Comparative Proteomics Study. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016, 64(47):9124-9134. IF4.1921TOP